Between Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, there is one shopping holiday that you wouldn’t want to miss. Small Business Saturday, like the name suggests, is an American shopping holiday dedicated to supporting local shops (the “mom and pop shops”). Americans celebrated their first Small Business Saturday on November 27, 2010. In fact, American Express, […]
Filed under: Copyrights, Corporate Law, Franchising, Patents, Trade Secrets by Yau Jo-Anne Saturday, November 24th, 2012
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Black Friday is notorious for “great” shopping deals, but it is also notorious for long lines, crowds of people, shoving, and (inevitably) personal injury. Nearly every annual Black Friday results in some form of injury: some leave stores with just their wounded pride of not having snagged the item before the rush, others are rushed to […]
Filed under: Civil Litigation, Personal Injury by Yau Jo-Anne Friday, November 23rd, 2012
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