Getting a UPC Bar Code for your Business
If you are looking to expand your business by selling your products to larger retailers, then you should consider getting a UPC bar code for your products. A UPC, or known as the Universal Product Code, is a black and white-striped code often found on commercial products such as cereal boxes, soda cans, electronics, and toiletry items. These codes are commonly used throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, and other parts of the world to track inventory, shipment, and sales. Who assigns these codes? GS1 is an organization that creates standards for global products, and the numbers inside of the UPC bar codes are assigned by GS1.
The first five digits of the code will always represent the license holder. So, if the re-seller’s company were to “go belly up,” there may be complications for the re-seller’s customers. Additionally, some large retailers, such as Wal-Mart, require product suppliers to have their own authentic GS1 membership.
Yau Law has helped business owners begin their new enterprise, protect their intellectual property, and much more. Call us today to see how we can help you with your business!
Article by: Florence Chen
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