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The Yau Law Firm
Focused on Protecting Businesses and Representing the Injured

Teen Convinces Hasbro to Make Gender Neutral Easy-Bake Oven



Hasbro, one of the largest toy-making companies in the world, will soon reveal a gender-neutral Easy-Bake oven. According to the Associated Press, McKenna Pope, a thirteen-year old from Garfield, New Jersey, met with Hasbro’s “oven team” on December 17, 2012, to discuss ideas about making the Easy-Bake oven more appealing to both boys and girls.

McKenna and her family thought that Hasbro’s Easy-Bake oven would make the perfect gift for McKenna’s younger brother. “My little brother has always loved cooking. Being in the kitchen is his favorite out of school activity, and he yearns to have the opportunity to cook on his own, or at least with limited help,” McKenna said on her petition. But, McKenna and her family soon found that boys were not featured in any of Easy-Bake Oven’s promotional or packaging materials.  “I feel that this sends a clear message: women cook, men work.”

So, McKenna created an online petition on and asked that her readers help McKenna request Hasbro to include boys in promotional and packaging materials for Easy-Bake and that Hasbro also make the ovens in primary colors. As of December 17, 2012, McKenna’s online petition gathered about 40,000 signatures.

“I have always been adamantly against anything that promotes specific roles in society for men and women . . . I want my brother to know that it’s not “wrong” for him to want to be a chefthat it’s okay to go against what society believes to be appropriate.”

Good call, Ms. Pope! I am impressed with McKenna’s determination to promote gender equality in society, and I am equally impressed that Hasbro gave McKenna the opportunity to recreate a toy’s brand and image. At Yau Law, we have counseled and supported various types of businesses, whether these businesses make stories for children, create sporting goods, or make refreshing tropical entrees and drinks, we have helped these businesses register and develop their brand names, images, and products. In fact, we have even helped businesses take their first step into becoming a business! We are happy that children can be involved in business decisions too, and in the case of Hasbro and the Easy-Bake oven, we believe that this business decision is a decision in a GREAT direction!

If you have a business idea and would like to know how Yau Law can help you get started, or how Yau Law can preserve your brand image, name, or product, contact us today!

Article by: Florence Chen

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