[video] Jo-Anne Yau Meets Teen Court Attorney Featured on CNN at Scholarship Reception
Recently, Jo-Anne Yau, and the Board of the Jacksonville Asian American Alliance (JAAA), hosted a Mentoring session and scholarship presentation at the University of North Florida (UNF).
At the mentoring session, teens from Duval and surrounding counties had the opportunity to meet with professionals in the community. At the reception, the students were seated at a table with peers who shared their interests, and they asked the professionals about career choices, educational paths, and lifestyles. The students learned from lawyers, doctors, graphic artists, engineers, and many other role models.
Many outstanding students attended, including Adiam Miller, a local teen who was featured in a CNN segment about Duval county’s Teen Court program. The diversionary program was lauded for having teens serve as prosecutors, defense attorneys, and jurors. The video above explains how juveniles charged with offenses can have their cases heard in Teen Court, rather than through “The System.”
Although Ms. Miller was among the most astute at the Mentoring session, only graduating seniors accepted into a four-year college were eligible for scholarships. JAAA awarded five $1,000 scholarships. After the formal program, mentors and students mingled at UNF’s University Center.
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